Saturday, November 7, 2015

Penrose Hospital 1981


i will not go gentle
into any night of yours
no matter how many times
you tell me it’s a good one

/in this world we do not choose
parents or our lovers
the wind blows our lives
where she pleases/

i do not care
if he’s saved
multitudes of others

i will not repent

any of my sins
to the man in the white cloak
sitting beside the well
his fountain pen of life
dipping into dark ink
drawing buckets of insight
dripping it in phrases
onto white tablets
with stone pages

prescribing absolution
in capfuls
after each diagnosis

an asymptomatic salvation
for all
who lap up the new age Word
like beggars

&believe, believe, believe
that they are born again in the spirit
of science most high
chemical improvements
to deity based religion

modern psychiatry
can work miracles

/haven’t you heard already/

for those who take all of it
on faith

i will find a fountain
to drink from 
that is not 
your instrument
or go thirsty

/we do
not in this world
choose our lovers/

jesus was an orderly 
on a hospital psych ward
I know this 
because I saw him there

he changed my bedpan
and I offered to wash his feet
with urine
either that
or the glucose
draining into my forearm
to keep indifference
from starving me to death

/they were the only ointment
i had to offer/

and later that day
while begging forgiveness
i thought
he would make a gentle lover
if only for a moment

he could stop
being god

/but we don’t choose
in this world
our lovers
& with or without
god the wind blows
where she pleases/

that particular day
i remember

a staff nurse came to tell me
they had scheduled an examination
that morning

/it wasn’t her fault/

they don’t tell
crazy people things

/it wasn’t her/

will be doing
inside their body

/she was following orders/

i refused to go
it wasn’t her  

she came back
with the head nurse
a true believer
in hospital

like a gospel
truth passed down
new every morning
on shrouded charts
left on the hallway wall

obscure scribblings
by gods
we never saw
the face of

/the Word
according to 
any M.D.
on rounds/

spreading now
like a great commission
into my bedroom

i did not need an angel 
or a brighter star
to figure out these women 
were not 
my servants

i could tell this
despite the 40 watt illumination
they were standing in

the worn metals binding each
wedding ring finger
a sign

/these sisters weren’t just anybodys
virgins mary/

i tried to refuse again
while the head nurse stared at me
with eyes like silver pieces
i could not see behind
waiting for me to sell
my body, like hers

a good woman
bears her cunt like a cross
she meant
without using that word

/if you want to get out of here
pick up your piece , missie
and bare it/

i went

/we do not choose
our lovers
 i begged
forgiveness later/

when the doctor came
for me alone
we both knew
he had won

i lay spread on my back
on a white table
and hardened
my amber eyes
grey as iron

he stood behind the sheet
steel instrument  
in hands

faint sneer 
curling the lips
he entered
and i dared not move

/i went back to my room
and atoned
for both our sins
with vomit
,we do not choose
or lovers/

today i save myself

only i do it monthly
and with my own blood

i have communion 
five straight days
and am reborn
each time

i dip into wells
of living water
streaming down my legs
remember i am alive
and drink

/we love whom we love
ourselves included/

declaring this
our only freedom
bites an apple
old as sin

wearing red 
,is the only
liberated man/