Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Open Dialogue

sharing -- communicating -- listening -- artistry
-- ✨ Open Dialogue -- conversation -- sharing -- communicating -- listening -- artistry -- I can grasp all of that with using various gifted talented modalities -- we each have our own unique reason for being in this mortality of this University Called Life -- some choose whatever resonates inwardly with their being and presence -- it is not mine to make a judgement on any belief system -- life style choice -- who what when where -- race identification does not hold ground or space with me at all never will -- it goes against my inner personification -- tenderly sending this out to the Divine Source with L.O.V.E. -- intuitively listening to my inner self that voice inside of me -- I have made changes in my own personal life -- those are mine -- we all have ours -- if I even attempt to disrespect another -- ✴ I am looking in the " MIRROR OF MY OWN REFLECTION " ✴ -- as with the air that we inhale and exhale we are always growing changing realigning that is sacredness -- it is a gift like no other -- perfection is a word that is often taken out of context -- Learning to Love Oneself extends beyond what is visual -- energy is sent from our own being out into the Universe Transmitted Affecting Us All -- tenderly sending this with L.O.V.E. of acceptance ✨ --

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