Friday, February 19, 2016

profound is...

NOTE: "Sociopathy" in this poem = emotionally dead / desensitized, lack of conscience awareness.

profound is…

profound is one that does not see

or say or hear this truth...

one that does not believe,

does not approve despair moves...

profound is one that does.........


doesn't open one's heart to understand,

but never fails to judge (aka misjudge, either way)..

profound is sociopathy swept across this land..

profound is that no one sees us

why are you looking at us

when you wish not will not be open to understand.

profound is...

it is this title and that title

and the rest of the cages you keep me in..

that one stereotype

this here stigmatism

and, of course that one, too

profound is all these lists -

everything you say I am,

you write my life for me

as you please

and as they please

whatever suits you rumor-weeds

and here I am


too profound for anyone to ever level with me


so, I level with you, and you and you

and, god damn it, you too

I empathize with you

and you

you laugh

you laugh at me

and tell me to laugh at me

profound is

you oppressing me

and if I don't repress me

you gaslight me

cannot be a human being

a living being

profound is that you insist

that those who feel must stop feeling

"fake it until you make it"

and all you ever make it as

is a sociopath

in a fake persona


while we....

while we keep feeling..

profound is that we keep feeling

and you keep attacking

you keep oppressing

and we keep feeling

we keep feeling

and it is profound -

it is profound that you keep

forcing us into isolation

"dare not be overwhelmed

or else you are sick..

you're a disorder

and you must stop feeling,

you must stop burdening

- stop burdening us sociopaths!!!

Because we dare not feel!!

we dare not feel for ourselves

so we dare not feel for you!!"

profound is that you dare not feel

you dare not express

you dare not show it

do not show that you are human

or you're a disorder, too -

"be sociopathic!!"

But we feel

we still feel because it feels right

we do not desensitize


we do not desensitize!

we keep feeling!

and we do not go fake like you

we do not go...

we don't go cultural-norm like you

profound is

that you wish not to trust

to not believe,


to be fear-mongered

you are fear-mongered

by your media-funders (runners)

you're fear mongered into..

into no longer trusting

us citizens like you you once were

you were before you

"grew up" into their desensitization

but we still feel

and you shame us!

you victim-shame us!

you victim-blame us!

you sociopaths

profound is that

that you sociopaths

think wE are the disorders...

profound is that so many of us

trust you

and we are vulnerable

since we know you can trust us

and we..

we are destroyed by your gaslighting

and you rob us of our souls

we don't access our souls

anymore for you

because of you

because our souls are


or, dare I say, “too girly”

it is wrong to feel

like it is wrong to use

to use your enteric nervous system!!

profound is that you believe

your thoughts control your emotions

tho’ you know what's going on

based off emotions

loooong before you're ever

ever even able to form a thought

emotions are reality

emotions are msgs from the soul

lessons of adaptations

senses we don't notice

but should still trust

instead of being gaslighted

gut-feelings are reality

see what your soul is saying



so you can hear yourself

your honest self

at any age with any emotions or all

and then you may hear us

see us

get to know the profound

sweep away sociopathy from the land

and learn to bond again


if profound I am for being human

and you're right to be desensitized

well, my dead body will grow a flower

and yours grow weeds

and so on sociopathy sweeps the land

and my people cry

while yours, no mercy,

no remorse since no empathy

and profound is

tho’ yours tries to defeat mine

yall were so defeated

you were defeated

to dead inside while people cry

you take it all lightly

easy going sociopathy

Written By: Robin Rhea Derrick

Monday, 8/10/2015 @ 10:59pm

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Psychiatric LABELS (stigma's, stereotypes, etc.): "SOULS vs. Disorders"

Souls are NOT disorders (emotions and expressions are NOT symptoms - cannot be); choose your own labels (allow others to choose their own); who we are is our own decision alone. We should be humanized. End the dehumanization so humanity can thrive! <3 
Opposition Defiant Disorder = Leader
Conduct Disorder = Revolutionary
Bipolar Disorder  = Artist
Personality Disorder = Philosopher
Social Anxiety Disorder = Humanitarian
General Anxiety Disorder = Activist 
Attention Deficit Disorder = Inventor
Attachment Disorder = Healer
A. D. H. D.  = Kid

 (Refer to above and below pictures: WE ARE NOT ALL* FISH)
We are not built to conform all into the same molds/ideals.
Psych labels act as though we are all suppose to be (for example) fish; 
if you don't climb this tree as a fish than you're a disease (really?)!
I've been told something is wrong with me for not being angry after all that's happened;
all the while I see others being told something is wrong with them for being so angry.
Now, however, I am outraged, and we should all be - we should not stand this!


We should be humanized (embraced & empowered); not dehumanized (disease-mongered & oppressed).

You know, how a person can be a psychiatrist and be Christian (or other believers in Gods) at the same time is beyond me; how do you go to church where it is taught "God gave everyone free will, and if they do right they (as souls) will go to heaven" while insisting that we are disorders (can't be souls at the same time as these unwilled mental diseases) and that we do not have free will and thus must be oppressed and controlled. If you're a psychiatrist and any such as a Christian, you're a hypocrite. If you don't believe in any religions, you're still a dehumanizer committing crimes against humanity and MUST be stopped. 

Credit on the translation of labels to: 
 (Let them choose their own labels)